Dr Raphaël Meyer

Dr Raphaël Meyer

Hair surgery and aesthetic medicine
Meet Dr. Raphael Meyer, Director of our Clinic and Medical Center, a recognized specialist in hair surgery and aesthetic medicine. Dr. Meyer combines his technical expertise with a personalized approach to provide tailor-made care, aimed at meeting the unique aspirations and needs of each patient...
Languages Spoken
French, English, Spanish
His specialties
Hair Surgery
Aesthetic Medicine

When he is not at the Croix d'Or Aesthetic Clinic

  • He takes care of his children and his family
  • Passionate about football, he supports Olympique Lyonnais and also Servette FC
  • Interested in the works of Robbie Cornelissen
Outside the clinic, Dr Meyer devotes himself to his family, sharing precious moments with his children. A keen football fan, he supports Olympique Lyonnais and Servette FC, and is interested in the work of artist Robbie Cornelissen, reflecting his taste for finesse in both art and his medical practice. Dr. Meyer is an active member of leading medical societies, including the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, the International Hair Restoration Surgery, the World FUE Institute, the Aesthetic Multispecialty Society, the Association des Médecins de Genève, and the Fédération des Médecins Helvétiques. These affiliations underline its ongoing commitment to excellence and advancement in its surgical and medical specialties. With an impressive list of medical and surgical certifications and degrees, including a Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) and multiple degrees in medicine and cosmetic surgery, Dr. Meyer is a leader in his field. His professional career is a testament to his dedication and passion for medicine, where he shone as a chef de clinique and doctor in renowned institutions in Lyon, before becoming Medical Director at the Clinique de la Croix d'Or in Geneva. Dr. Meyer has also contributed to the medical literature with several publications and speeches at significant congresses, consolidating his status as an eminent practitioner and respected lecturer. ( see video )

Learned societies

  • Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS)
  • Member of the International Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)
  • Member of the World FUE Institute (WFI)
  • Member of the Aesthetic Multispecialty Society (AMS)
  • Member of the Association of Doctors of Geneva (AMGE)
  • Member of the Federation of Swiss Doctors (FMH)
  • Registered with the Order of Physicians (France)


A member of prestigious learned societies and holder of multiple certifications, Dr. Meyer is recognized for his significant contribution to the field of hair health and surgery.

  • Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS)
  • Member of the International Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)
  • Member of the World FUE Institute (WFI)
  • Member of the Aesthetic Multispecialty Society (AMS)


Dr. Meyer is a graduate of the most respected institutions and has a rich and diverse professional background.

  • 2021: Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery – ABHRS – Munster, IN (USA)
  • 2017: VISAGE Certificate – Nice (France)
  • 2015: Diploma in Injection Techniques in Plastic Surgery – DUTIC – Paris (France), Top of the class
  • 2014: Diploma in Hair Surgery – Lyon (France)
  • 2014: Diploma in Medical-Surgical Laser Therapy – Paris (France)
  • 2014: Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine – Lyon (France)
  • 2010: Doctoral thesis in Medicine, with honors and congratulations from the Jury
  • 2010: Diploma of Specialized Studies in General Internal Medicine
  • 2000 – 2010: Medical Diploma – Faculty of Medicine of Lyon – Lyon (France)

Professional background

  • Medical Director at the Croix d'Or Clinic,
  • Geneva Hair Surgeon – My Hair Medical (Lyon, France)
  • Aesthetic Doctor and Laserist (Lyon, France)
  • Former Head of Clinic at the Saint-Luc St-Joseph Hospital Center (Lyon, France)
  • Former Intern and External of the Hospitals of Lyon (France)

Publications or Conference Presentations

  • 2015: UPEC university dissertation: Management of a serious vascular complication following injection of a filling product in the face, review of the literature
  • 2014: UCBL university dissertation: Cryolipolysis in aesthetics, review of the literature
  • 2012: Bull Cancer. 2012 Apr 1; 99(4):409-15: Is there a benefit to continuing cervical cancer screening smears after age 65? R Meyer & al Reprise de publications : APM International Medical Press Agency (April 2012), French Cancer Society (May 2012)
  • 2011: 1st Prize for medical thesis, Rhône Alpes - France section (URPS médecins)
  • 2011: Oral communication: congress of the French Society of Colposcopy and Cervico-vaginal Pathology (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France). Evaluation of smear-detected cervical cancers in women over 65 with normal previous follow-up. R Meyer, P Mathevet
  • 2010: Written communication (poster): national days of the Collège national des gynéco-obstétriciens CNGOF-SFOG (Paris, France). Retrospective study of 53644 women over the age of 65 who received a cervical cancer screening smear. R Meyer, P Mathevet
  • 2010: Doctoral thesis: Is there a benefit to cervical cancer screening smears after the age of 65? Pr. Mathevet (Lyon), Very honourable mention with unanimous congratulations from the jury

His certifications


American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery

Diplôme américain représentant la plus haute distinction dans le milieu de la chirurgie capillaire.

International Society of Hair Restoration SurgeryLargest company in the world.
World FUE InstituteEducational and scientific organization of internationally accredited health professionals. Purpose: to promote mastery in the field of hair restoration using FUE techniques and methodology.
Fédération Médicale HelvétiqueProfessional association of physicians in Switzerland. Represents 42,000 members and federates more than 70 medical organizations.
Association des Médecins du canton de GenèveObjective to promote quality medicine. Represents the Geneva medical profession before federal and cantonal authorities, insurers and all health partners.
Ordre des médecins France
La seule institution qui rassemble et fédère, en Franceall doctors, regardless of their status, mode of practice and specialty. He is the guarantor of the doctor-patient relationship.
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